I hate the air of superiority you display, that you are here to offer your ‘great’ service to us,  that we should be eternally grateful for your presence. I detest your insistence to take a picture for every gift you gave out of your ‘great’ compassion. You are more concerned with showing everyone your ‘great’Continue reading “ARE WE NOT EQUALS ?”

The Source of My Trust

The Cambridge Dictionary defines Democracy as ‘a country in which power is held by elected representatives of the people’. What if no suitable representative is put forward? I think most voters do not feel empowered in the slightest sense of the word when the main discussion centers around who is the lesser evil. If IContinue reading “The Source of My Trust”

A Respectable Member of the Community & The Train to Busan

I was persuaded to watch this Korean zombie movie and did not expect it to be so profound and insightful. It portrays the ills of our modern indifferent society where we become more and more isolated in thoughts and deeds. When faced with a life and death situation, how will one react to it? AContinue reading “A Respectable Member of the Community & The Train to Busan”

Overcoming All Odds – Leicester

Once in a while, we are reminded that desire and the willingness to work hard are more important than the best money can buy. This is why people are attracted to the sport. With sheer determination and passion, we want to believe that one can rise against the odds and achieve the impossible. If LeicesterContinue reading “Overcoming All Odds – Leicester”

The Church & its Worshippers

    Your magnificent and majestic churches gave me an avalanche of emotions. Your rich heritage and history of the Protestant Reformation shaped the faith we received. While the beautiful cravings and paintings illustrates the faith of your fathers of yesteryears, there is a lack of worshipers in the beautifully decorated cathedrals, that swept myContinue reading “The Church & its Worshippers”

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory & Me

My thoughts on Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. I think of… the offer to go to the factory as compared to the offer to heaven from God. Did I treat it too lightly? What kind of an offer is a permanent residence in heaven compared to such a trip? Yet I don’t oftenContinue reading “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory & Me”

Can you Love Me With the Love from Above?

Why does your love fluctuate according to the effort I put into my studies? Why is it that I should seek to do my best in all that I do even in a seemingly meaningless worksheet that does not interest me in the slightest? Why is shouting and screaming your best resource to persuade andContinue reading “Can you Love Me With the Love from Above?”

Things Money Can’t Resolve

Money can resolve many issues in life. However, there are issues which throwing money at a problem is not going to help in the slightest. With regards to national issues, I can think of a few examples that monetary incentive or deterrence is detrimental to most. The cash gift for the baby bonus has beenContinue reading “Things Money Can’t Resolve”