community-service (1)


You came into my
simple and ordinary life
and showered me with
a love, attention and care
I had never experienced.

As we interacted and shared our lives,
we opened our hearts
sincerely to one another
and a deep friendship was formed.

As I gave my heart to you,
like I never did before,
came the time you had to depart.

Separation was emotional for both of us
and with broken hearts and tears,
you deserted me for a place
beyond the means of my reach
despite the ache and pain in my heart.

Is it fair for you to come
and took my sincere love
when you are aware
you will be leaving
in a blink of an eye
and leave me wounded
in the deepest part?

Published by Seetoh Simon

A Temporary Resident on Earth Looking Forward to the Eternal Home God Promised.

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