The Source of My Trust

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The Cambridge Dictionary defines Democracy as ‘a country in which power is held by elected representatives of the people’.
What if no suitable representative is put forward? I think most voters do not feel empowered in the slightest sense of the word when the main discussion centers around who is the lesser evil.

If I put all my trust
in Democracy and the leaders
the people ‘choose’,
believing that they will
make the right decisions for us,
I will be terribly disillusioned.

“Woe to those who
go down to Egypt for help,
who rely on horses,
who trust in the multitude
of their chariots
and in the great strength
of their horsemen,
but do not look to
the Holy One of Israel,
or seek help from the Lord.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭31:1‬

My trust is in the one whose
‘dominion is an eternal dominion;
whose kingdom endures from
generation to generation.
The one who measured the waters
in the hollow of his hand,
and with the breadth of his hand,
marked off the heavens …
Before him, the nations
are like a drop in a bucket,
are as dust on the scales.’
Daniel: 4:34-35, Isaiah 40: 12-15

Published by Seetoh Simon

A Temporary Resident on Earth Looking Forward to the Eternal Home God Promised.

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