A State of Happiness

Image result for a state of happiness

In sec 3, I discussed the meaning of my existence with my best friend and I concluded that HAPPINESS is my ultimate aim since I cannot be certain that there is a God who created me. This led me on to a path of neglecting my studies, indulging in basketball and computer games.

Over the years, my notion of HAPPINESS has gone through many revisions. Recently, I came across an uplifting Chinese song about ‘The Practice of Happiness’. I shall attempt to translate the chorus.

‘As I advanced in years,
I become indifference
and built up
a wall of defense around me
thinking that this would enable me
to savour the happiness
I once lost.

Then I came to a realization that
the state of contentment,
being passionate and yet humble
with sincere thanksgiving from the heart
is such a priceless and unspeakable joy.

I am convinced that
as I put in that extra bit of effort,
persevere despite all my failings,
I shall find a Friend
in my moment of
great sorrow and disappointment.
I am also of the belief that
one should stay
if love can be found,
should pursue
if there is a dream within you,
even if failure stares at you
right in the face.
This is truly
shall never depart.’

Like Habakkuk, I found such a happiness in God.
‘Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.’

And if I can add,
‘Though I fail all my exams,
and there is no money in the bank,
and all my investments fail,
and all my loved ones
and friends forsake me,
yet …’

Published by Seetoh Simon

A Temporary Resident on Earth Looking Forward to the Eternal Home God Promised.

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